Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Criss Thru The Looking Glass

The 1st time that I saw this on A+E, I was amazed, and Criss is the best of the best at magic illusions. Being a amateur magician myself I reviewed all viable options to understand his technique in this illusion. As a side point I did figure out all the steps accurately and now its confirmed.

And now with the advent of You Tube, the reveal Is online (author unknown)
Views: 21,746 Up to today Nov 28 2007.

Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert

Are You Sure You Want To Know?

Now the reveal...

Amazing Illusion Based On A Trick He Purchased As A Kid From His Favorite Magic Shop

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Canada wants ALL nations bound to Kyoto Rules

The Spinning Credit Card Magic Illusion

Criss Angel Busts Jim Callahan On Phenomenom

Uri Geller Fails Again

This is a video of Geller cheating on his own television show. Because this video is obviously not helping his career, Youtube is helping to suppress it by claiming copyright infringement. This is actually incorrect. The Fair Use Doctrine allows copyrighted material to be reproduced in part for educational purposes. Pointing out someone is a right fraud in order to keep the public from throwing money at them is indeed an educational venture. Fair Use also applies to criticism. Consider this an educational criticism of how far Uri Geller will go to win the public's pocketbooks.

James Randi Exposes Uri Geller-Tonight Show + More

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Launched : The Survival Journals

Good Morning,

Well this is a 1st post in my new weblog, I'm very impressed with Google, I have been posting on the web since 1996, and never has it been so easy.

In the past I have been posting in my online journal via a website, a ton of work, and the results are not as satisfying as this Google solution.

So I have migrated ALL the existing links from the former website to the index.
And I will continue my online journal in this weblog.

I hope you find the articles as interesting as I have in exploring the world events, coincidences and happenings.
