Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heres The Scope Today

Leo- Thursday, February 25, 2010

There is a way to stabilize a precarious situation that is wobbling dangerously out of control. The wheels of progress need a bit of oiling and as the say the squeaky wheel get the oil. Feel free to do some squeaking. You certainly have the right to do so in view of what you’ve been through. Many of the fears that taken up too much of your time will soon start to abate as you make it clear that enough is enough.

Cancer- Thursday, February 25, 2010

You’re not happy about everything that’s happening in your life. One moment there is a positive sense that you are firmly on track to accomplishing an important objective, then the next, the mood turns dark and ominous. Despite all that seems intense and demanding you will get yourself out of a financially compromising situation. You are being led, slowly but surely, to the successful conclusion of an exasperating time in your life.

Scorpio- Thursday, February 25, 2010

If you would rather escape an unnecessarily unpleasant situation which is fraught with pressure, tension and strain, the stars advise you to distance yourself from a certain person or certain people you find unpleasant. Allow a little time to pass so that emotions cool. What seems so ridiculously asinine and stupid to you now, won’t seem half as important after the arrival of some good news, which is about to emerge.

Pisces- Thursday, February 25, 2010

You are entering a most fortunate interlude in an important area of your life after a dismal and depressing long stretch. If you don’t believe it, you risk prolonging your agony through an unconscious wish fulfilment. Let go of the past. Bid it farewell. The last thing you want to do now is to delay the arrival of this most auspicious transition.

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