Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Scope Of Things Today

Snow TO

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22)

If you must make a sacrifice for the sake of a greater good, make it a bold one. Reach your decision and carry it out – or not, if you really don't want to. You are not under any obligation.

Pisces (Feb. 20 — March 20)

There is advice, and some criticism too, being offered to you. Stop listening to it all for a while. Your first priority is to decide what you believe to be right.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

Sadly, you can't just walk away from a losing situation in the real world, but don't worry. Things during this new moon will start levelling out and even start looking up.

Gemini (May 21 — June 21)

The distinction between reality and fantasy is often more slender than we care to acknowledge. There is a positive reason for drawing this to your attention. However unlikely a piece of good fortune may seem, you really can trust it.

and so the Daughter Pisces says...

"Don't Be Too Lonely"

...which is a form of the original

"If you are ever lonely."

A previous expression of love for her Father Leo I suppose.

And yet as the sign she is... is a fish tail to tail being pulled in two different directions.

The influence that is the strongest pull is the direction that she will move.

She has no sense of balance in her psychology.

Her mothers influence has caused her to miss out on sharing her life with her father

And in doing so she has lost access to 23 chromosomes in the family.


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